
Office of Int'l Cooperation and Exchanges

当前位置: 关于我们 > 国际处职能



1. 在校领导指导下,制定学校国际交流与合作发展规划

Working towards our long-term vision of international cooperation and exchanges for CAP under the leadership of our presidents.


2. 制定我校国际交流与合作管理规章制度和工作规范并落实实施

Coordinating and implementing rules and regulations for international cooperation and exchanges.


3. 全校教职工因公出国(境)报批和管理工作

Managing the business travel of teaching staff to countries and regions outside of mainland China.


4. 与国(境)外教育机构之间交流计划的协议拟定、交流项目的实施和运转情况的跟踪管理、服务等事宜

Formulating and processing international cooperation agreements with universities and their management.


5. 学生国(境)外经历拓展工作,包括校际交换、合作办学、短期游学项目的选拔、管理以及派遣工作

Expanding students international experience, including selecting, managing and dispatching students in semester exchanges, joint-program exchanges and study tours.


6. 负责国(境)外专家及外籍教师的聘请、管理与服务工作

Recruiting, hosting and managing foreign experts and teachers.


7. 国际会议、比赛的申报与管理

Applying for international conferences and competitions and managing following related issues.



8. 国际与交流项目的联络、审核、报批及管理工作

Conducting  joint-programs in the field of liaison, initial inspection, application and management.


9. 完成上级主管部门和学校交办的其它工作。

Dealing with other works assigned by higher authorities  and school managerial sector.



地址:成都市龙泉驿车城东七路699号 邮编:610100


